I deployed a custom IME to support only chars we need. It works not for [Abc].
the upper lower case detection does not work.
When I enter a name in search (Abc is the default mode) it writes:
Pavlinić (perfect!)
if i search Šitum it writes:
šitum (small first letter! and finds nothing. That's annoying. If your phones would handle upper and lower case for Croatian this would not disturb me, but they do not)
Your search shoud handle these charactes "as same":
- ćĆ
- čČ
- đĐ
- žŽ
heres my custom IME (look at [Abc]):
(I tested to add to Abc also žŽ, but it ignores it, I thing your phone do not uses [Abc], the do some "one thing" of combining abc and ABC?)
1 = "1"
2 = "2abcčćABCČĆ"
3 = "3dđefDĐEF"
4 = "4ghiGHI"
5 = "5jklJKL"
6 = "6mnoMNO"
7 = "7pqrsšPQRSŠ"
8 = "8tuvTUV"
9 = "9wxyzžWXYZŽ"
0 = "0"
* = "*.,'?!\-()@/:_;+&%=<>£$¥¤[]{}~^¡¿§#"|"
# = "#"
1 = ""
2 = "abc2äčć"
3 = "def3đ"
4 = "ghi4"
5 = "jkl5£"
6 = "mno6ö"
7 = "pqrs7šß"
8 = "tuv8ü"
9 = "wxyz9ž"
0 = " "
* = "*.,'?!\-()@/:_;+&%=<>£$¥¤[]{}~^¡¿§#"|"
# = "#"
1 = ""
2 = "abc2äčć"
3 = "def3đ"
4 = "ghi4"
5 = "jkl5£"
6 = "mno6ö"
7 = "pqrs7šß"
8 = "tuv8ü"
9 = "wxyz9ž"
0 = " "
* = "*.,'?!\-()@/:_;+&%=<>£$¥¤[]{}~^¡¿§#"|"
# = "#"
1 = ""
2 = "ABC2ÄČĆ"
3 = "DEF3Đ"
4 = "GHI4"
5 = "JKL5£"
6 = "MNO6Ö"
7 = "PQRS7Š"
8 = "TUV8Ü"
9 = "WXYZ9Ž"
0 = " "
* = "*.,'?!\-()@/:_;+&%=<>£$¥¤[]{}~^¡¿§#"|"
# = "#"
1 = "1"
2 = "2"
3 = "3"
4 = "4"
5 = "5"
6 = "6"
7 = "7"
8 = "8"
9 = "9"
0 = "0"
* = ".*:/@[]"
# = "#"
1 = "1"
2 = "2"
3 = "3"
4 = "4"
5 = "5"
6 = "6"
7 = "7"
8 = "8"
9 = "9"
0 = "0"
* = "*"
# = "#"
1 = "1"
2 = "2"
3 = "3"
4 = "4"
5 = "5"
6 = "6"
7 = "7"
8 = "8"
9 = "9"
0 = "0"
* = ".*:/@[]"
# = "#"
Best regards,