So I'll preface this that I know the W60's web interface has a directory section the ability to export and import the local handset directories, that's not what I'm looking for (though I have no scripting up a selenium browser puppeting to get me access to these, I'll be publishing that once I've got it cleaned up some).
What I'm really looking for is some mechanism to call into the W60 from (preferably) a restful api and get the dump of the handset directories, and wipe them (I personally need the upload anything back, but if this exists it could be useful). My intention is to pull whatever edits / contacts are on the handset and slowly merge them upwards in the stack (remote directory, and up into the fully centralized directory that's more easily shareable across not only the W60 and it's handsets but other phones and situations).
Other Yealink phones have a bit of an API under /cgi-bin/ however in attempting to poke at that to get anything useful I didn't get anywhere, and there's precious little documentation about that (in particular with respect to the W60). In an ideal world there would be 3 (ok 4) commands under that:
/cgi-bin/<username>&password=<password> (list handsets to query)
/cgi-bin/[xml|csv]&username=<username>&password=<password> (where handset is either an index or name from 9990)
/cgi-bin/<username>&password=<password> (again where handset is either an index or name from 9990)
I don't actually care about the number involved 999[012] are there for illustrative purposes only. But I'm not seeing that kind of API. I've gone ahead and scripted up basically that API through Selenium, but that's not entirely ideal (although obviously better than nothing).
I've also noticed that handsets note a directory group of "Blacklist"
<group display_name="Blacklist" />
but Blacklist entries in the handset(s) don't seem to actually be stored / exported there. As far as I can tell the blacklist is not accessible in any way from the W60 which seems odd, and I suspect is a bug that those aren't being included in the directory export and the directory delete. Is anyone familiar with what's going on there?
(09-06-2021 04:51 AM)warthog9 Wrote: [...]
but Blacklist entries in the handset(s) don't seem to actually be stored / exported there. As far as I can tell the blacklist is not accessible in any way from the W60 which seems odd, and I suspect is a bug that those aren't being included in the directory export and the directory delete. Is anyone familiar with what's going on there?
Also as a note the XML that the exporter generates is technically invalid as an empty root_contact generates:
<root_contact />
which generates
# xmllint somefile.xml
somefile.xml:6: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
<root_contact />
It's also worth noting that the exported xml files have multiple roots and realistically need to be wrapped in a central single root element to be correct