We have a park of phones T28 and T32G. We are using Auto Provisioning server to configure all phones.
All phones update Account configuration successfully. However we need to specify new 'auto provision.server.url' for all phones. T28 updates this field perfectly, but T32G leaves this field old one.
Model: T32G
auto_provision.server.url = <url>
auto_provision.repeat.minutes = 60
auto_provision.custom.protect = 1
transfer.hang_up_after_success_trans = 0
auto_provision.custom.sync = 0
auto_provision.reboot_force.enable = 0
voice_mail.number.1 = *97
trusted_certificates.url = <url>
trusted_certificates.url = <url>
trusted_certificates.url = <url>
security.trust_certificates = 0
security.user_name.admin =
security.user_password =
features.direct_ip_call_enable = 0
memorykey.1.type =
memorykey.1.value =
linekey.1.line = 1
linekey.1.type = 15
linekey.2.line = 1
linekey.2.type = 15
linekey.3.line = 1
linekey.3.type = 15
linekey.4.line = 1
linekey.4.type = 15
linekey.5.line = 1
linekey.5.type = 15
linekey.6.line = 1
linekey.6.type = 15
account.1.sip_trust_ctrl = 1
account.1.codec.1.enable = 1
account.1.codec.1.payload_type = PCMU
account.1.codec.1.priority = 1
account.1.codec.1.rtpmap = 0
local_time.date_format = 4
local_time.time_format = 0
local_time.summer_time = 2
local_time.time_zone = -6
local_time.time_zone_name = United States-Central Time
network.dhcp_host_name = T32g-6589F292
openvpn.url = <url>
account.1.enable = 1
account.1.label = <label>
account.1.display_name = <label>
account.1.auth_name = <label>
account.1.password = <password>
account.1.user_name = <label>
account.1.sip_server_host = <url>
account.1.sip_server_port = 5060
account.1.outbound_proxy_enable = 1
account.1.outbound_host = <url>
account.1.outbound_port = 7000
account.1.transport = 0
account.1.nat.stun_server = stun.freeswitch.org
account.1.nat.stun_port = 3478
action_url.hold = <url>
action_url.mute = <url>
action_url.registered = <url>
action_url.reject_incoming_call = <url>
action_url.unhold = <url>
action_url.unmute = <url>
as sample we had used
Yealink T3XG Auto Provisioning_70.0.zip
Could you please suggest a solution?