I am having difficulty getting my T46G to pick up files during auto provisioning.
I have created a y000000000028.cfg file which sets a few buttons and should upload wallpaper and a directory.
I have the .45 (newest) firmware loaded on the phone.
The phone is connecting via OpenVPN (which works correctly).
I am attempting to get the config via ftp or tftp.
The config file is picked up and read (the buttons get set), but the wallpaper and directory don't get picked up. I have also tried connecting using the public IP of the server.
The machine is a Rentpbx machine running vsftpd software. I can ftp from a Windows machine with either WinSCP or ftp from a Chrome/IE window.
If I set the T46G to use tftp:\\IP I get a message in the log saying the (RentPBX) machine isn't a tftp server
If I use ftp, the error logs tell me:
2014-09-05 00:00:02: (mod_dirlisting.c.228) pcre support is missing, please install libpcre and the headers
2014-09-06 19:57:56: (mod_fastcgi.c.3059) got proc: pid: 408 socket: unix:/tmp/fcgiServer-fcgi.socket-0 load: 1
## the file header "#!version:" can not be edited or deleted. ##
account.1.auth_name =
account.1.display_name =
account.1.dtmf.type = 1
account.1.enable = 1
account.1.label =
account.1.outbound_host =
account.1.outbound_port =
account.1.outbound_proxy_enable = 0
account.1.password =
account.1.shared_line = 0
account.1.sip_server.1.address = OpenVPN IP of server
account.1.sip_server.1.port = 5060
account.1.sip_server.2.address =
account.1.sip_server.2.port =
account.1.user_name =
auto_provision.pnp_enable = 1
auto_provision.repeat.enable = 1
auto_provision.server.password = bob
auto_provision.server.url = ftp://(either OpenVPN IP or Public IP)
auto_provision.server.username = ftpclient
auto_provision.weekly.begin_time = 00:00
auto_provision.weekly.dayofweek = 0123456
auto_provision.weekly.enable = 1
auto_provision.weekly.end_time = 00:15
directory_setting.url = ftp://(the correct IP)/RemotePhonebook.xml
lang.gui = English
linekey.1.label = KKit (C)
linekey.1.line = 1
linekey.1.type = 13
linekey.1.value = aphonenumber
linekey.2.label = MKit (C)
linekey.2.line = 1
linekey.2.type = 13
linekey.2.value = aphonenumber
linekey.3.label = Great (C)
linekey.3.line = 1
linekey.3.type = 13
linekey.3.value = aphonenumber
linekey.4.label = Boat (C)
linekey.4.line = 1
linekey.4.type = 13
linekey.4.value = aphonenumber
linekey.5.label = Super (C)
linekey.5.line = 1
linekey.5.type = 13
linekey.5.value = aphonenumber
linekey.6.label = Somebody Else (C)
linekey.6.line = 1
linekey.6.type = 13
linekey.6.value = aphonenumber
linekey.7.label = Eucador (C)
linekey.7.line = 1
linekey.7.type = 13
linekey.7.value = aphonenumber
local_time.date_format = 0
local_time.ntp_server1 = cn.pool.ntp.org
local_time.summer_time = 2
local_time.time_format = 1
local_time.time_zone = -5
local_time.time_zone_name = United States-Eastern Time
phone_setting.backgrounds = Config:thewallpaper.jpg
voice.tone.country = Custom
wallpaper_upload.url = ftp://(the correct IP)/thewallpaper.jpg
In all cases, the IP used matches throughout - the error doesn't change.
The wallpaper is the correct pixel size and the phonebook was created using the Yealink Excel directory tool.
Since the .cfg file is brought to the phone, the server is 'serving', but there appears to be some error in communications between phone and server. The server has an ftp user created named (uniquely enough) 'ftpclient' with a password (substituted as) 'bob' (not the real password).
This server is at RentPBX, is running iptables with ports open (obviously since I can ftp from the same location and get in (partially) with the phone).
uname -a && cat /etc/*release returns:
Linux (mydomain) 2.6.32-431.5.1.el6.i686 #1 SMP Tue Feb 11 13:30:23 CST 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Scientific Linux release 6.5 (Carbon)
I'm running pbxinaflash 'Green' if that matters.
Any thoughts?