Working config:
Quote:# Specify that this is a client configuration:
# Check whether the server is using a TUN or TAP interface, use the same here:
dev tun
# Check whether the server is using TCP or UDP protocol, use the same here:
proto tcp
# Specify the host name and OpenVPN port of the server:
remote not-your-business 0000
# Specify the file names of your certificates and key - these should not need changing.
# The path names must be exactly as detailed below:
ca /config/openvpn/keys/ca.crt
cert /config/openvpn/keys/telefonoAlfaro1.crt
key /config/openvpn/keys/telefonoAlfaro1.key
# NOTE: For Yealink-T2X phone with old firmware,add the initial /yealink directory , like this:
# ca /config/openvpn/keys/ca.crt
# cert /config/openvpn/keys/client1.crt
# key /config/openvpn/keys/client1.key
# The rest of these settings should be unchanged:
resolv-retry infinite
ns-cert-type server
verb 3
mute 10
Also remember to put the certs inside a /key folder within the tar.
I found what looks like a mistake in your config file:
Quote:key /config/openvpn/keys/client.key ca.crt
Shouldn't it be:
Quote:key /config/openvpn/keys/client.key
By the way, your phone says "Cannot load certificate file /yealink/config/openvpn/keys/client.crt" which does not match the provided configuration. Is it possible that you had a previous configuration and it did not flush? Or maybe the error corresponds to your later tries?
Anyway, if your config is not flushing, in order to upload a new file you must do the following steps, in that exact order:
1.- Disable VPN on your phone. It will reboot afterwards, if not, make it.
2.- Upload the new .tar file Apply changes.
3.- Enable the VPN. The phone is suposed to reboot on its own
If everything is OK in the config you should be able to connect.
PS: I just noticed this post is 5 months old, so this will probable have no use after all. Anyways, It may help someone else solve the same problem, considering mali didn't post the answer he found.