Yealink Forums is incredibly slow - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: is incredibly slow (/showthread.php?tid=43689) is incredibly slow - helios.comms - 01-29-2020 05:13 PM

I'm downloading the latest 085 ROM for the CP960 - it's 299MB. Chrome estimated a download of over two hours! It's still got 25 minutes left...

In the meantime, I've just downloaded the older 045 ROM from our SharePoint document library and it took about a minute so it's not our end.

So is about 100 times slower... any chance you can give the hamsters driving the site a bit of a boost? Angel

RE: is incredibly slow - Yisroel_MongoTEL - 01-29-2020 06:25 PM

Not sure what your issue is, but for me downloading this (CP960- 186.8M) firmware took about 1 minute.

RE: is incredibly slow - helios.comms - 03-03-2020 01:13 PM

(01-29-2020 06:25 PM)MongoTEL_Support Wrote:  Not sure what your issue is, but for me downloading this (CP960- 186.8M) firmware took about 1 minute.

Their support site/link must have been having a bad day as yes, I've just downloaded the ROM again and it took just over a minute.