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T26P peer to peer configuration problem - Printable Version

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T26P peer to peer configuration problem - CarlosVela - 07-08-2014 07:37 PM

Hi, sirs!
I have a T26P phone that I need to connect in peer to peer mode to another SIP device (an intercom). The problem is that when the connection is stablished, the RTP audio from the T26P to the intercom is sent at a 10ms rate, and the intercom doesn't accept it. Codec used is PCMA.
The OK SIP dialog from the intercom to the phone is correct, and has the "ptime:20" attribute correctly set, but the phone seems to not understand it and sends the packets at 10 ms rate.
I have tried to configure the PTime field in the advanced tab of the accounts, but nothing changes.
How can I configure the default packet time for the peer to peer mode?

RE: T26P peer to peer configuration problem - Wilson_Yealink - 08-27-2014 06:03 PM

Hi CarlosVela,
I have tested it in my side, it does work well.
So please try below steps:
1. Reset the phone to factory
2. upgrade the firmware to the latest version. The latest firmware version of T26 is Because I test it in this version. So gennerally it should also work in your side. You can get it from below link.

3. If after upgrdaing the issue still exist, please change the codec order of T26 and try again.
Access to web GUI->Account->codec tab, you can change it in the right list field.
