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Ldap search on incoming call is not working - Printable Version

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Ldap search on incoming call is not working - gekran - 01-23-2014 05:22 AM


I have setup a ldap phonebook and configured the Yealink ldap phonebook page. Searching from the phone in Ldap phonebook works ok. But on incoming call the contact from ldap is not shown in the display of the phone.
I have the LDAP Lookup For Incoming Call enabled.

RE: Ldap search on incoming call is not working - anonymous1718628087441 - 01-26-2014 05:14 PM

Hi gekran,

Can you tell me which version of your phone?
Does the incoming name in your local contact which is different with the name in LDAP ?

RE: Ldap search on incoming call is not working - amaury - 04-13-2014 02:53 AM


I have the same issue. I use version on T28P with only LDAP configured (no other phonebook). LDAP search work like a charm but incomining call's search does not work (I have enabled LDAP Lookup For Incoming Call option.

Any idea ?


RE: Ldap search on incoming call is not working - CWR - 04-13-2014 06:53 AM

Does the ldap entry have hyphens or special characters in the number?

RE: Ldap search on incoming call is not working - amaury - 04-13-2014 02:24 PM

No, only number, like : 0123456789

RE: Ldap search on incoming call is not working - Yealink Support - 04-16-2014 11:11 AM

Do you test with ? Do you follow the LDAP guide for V72?
LDAP Phonebook on Yealink IP Phones_V72

RE: Ldap search on incoming call is not working - Ruben - 08-08-2014 03:29 PM

I have same problem. Is it solved?

RE: Ldap search on incoming call is not working - gekran - 09-10-2014 07:58 PM

It's still not solved. I have the same issue with another customer using T41 and T46 phones with firmware on the T41 and firmware on the T46. We are using Asterisk PBX

RE: Ldap search on incoming call is not working - Yealink_Jim - 09-11-2014 04:44 PM

Could you please give me the configuration file?
It is good for us to solve this issue.
You can reffer to the following configuration parameters

ldap.enable = 1
ldap.name_filter = (|(cn=%)(sn=%))
ldap.number_filter = (|(telephoneNumber=%)(mobile=%)) =
ldap.tls_mode = 0
ldap.port = 389
ldap.base =dc=yealink,dc=cn
ldap.user = cn=manager,dc=yealink,dc=cn
ldap.password = secret
ldap.max_hits = 100
ldap.name_attr = cn sn
ldap.numb_attr = telephoneNumber mobile ipPhone
ldap.display_name = %cn
ldap.version = 3
ldap.ldap_sort = 1
ldap.dial_lookup = 1
ldap.call_out_lookup =1
ldap.call_in_lookup = 1

RE: Ldap search on incoming call is not working - gekran - 09-19-2014 09:57 PM

Here is the config LDAP part exported from my phone

[ LDAP ]
bEnable = 1
strLdapName =
strNameFilter = (|(cn=%)(sn=%))
strNumberFilter = (&(telephoneNumber=%)(sn=*))
strServerName = xxxxxxxxxx
nServerPort = 389
strBase = xxxxxxxx
strUserName = xxxxxxxxxx
strUserPin =
nMaxHits = 50
strNameAttr = cn sn
strNumbAttr = telephoneNumber
strDisplayName = %cn
nProtocolVersion = 3
bLookup4CallIn = 1
bLookup4Dial = 0
bSortResult = 1
nSearchDelay = 0

The strange thing is that in the webbrowser the LDAP Lookup For Incoming Call = enabled but in the exported config.bin file the blookup4Dial = 0
I suppose the blookup4Dial should be 1?[/code][/quote]