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Full Version: T28P idle "login" programmable softkey
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I need to know if I can remove the "Login" programmable softkey from the T28P. I do not use ACD and have specified 4 programmable softkeys I would like displayed, however the Login key gets in the way and forces several keys to the "more" page.
Hi Fdtcloud,
What's the firmware are you using?
You can upgrade to, and reset to factory default, there will no "Login" in the softkey.
I am currently running After factory default I still see the "Login" softkey. I am using auto provisioning, so I suppose my configuration file must have an issue. I will post my y000000000000.cfg and the MAC specific


##File header "#!version:" can not be edited or deleted, and must be placed in the first line.##

## Network ##

#Configure the duplex mode and the speed of the WAN port.
#0-Auto negotiate (default), 1-Full duplex 10Mbps, 2-Full duplex 100Mbps, 3-Half duplex 10Mbps, 4-Half duplex 100Mbps;
network.internet_port.speed_duplex = 0

#Configure the username and password for PPPOE connection.
#Require reboot;
network.pppoe.user =
network.pppoe.password =

#PC Port Switch.0-Disable 1-Enable(Default)
network.pc_port.enable = 1

#Configure the PC port type; 0-Router, 1-Bridge (default);
#Require reboot;
network.bridge_mode = 1

#Configure the IP address and mask when the PC port is configured as Router.
#Require reboot;
network.pc_port.ip =
network.pc_port.mask =

#Configure the duplex mode and the speed of the PC port when configured as Router.
#0-Auto negotiate (default), 1-Full duplex 10Mbps, 2-Full duplex 100Mbps, 3-Half duplex 10Mbps, 4-Half duplex 100Mbps;
network.pc_port.speed_duplex = 0

#Enable or disable the DHCP server when the PC port is configured as Router; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
#Require reboot;
network.pc_port.dhcp_server = 1

#Define the DHCP IP address range. The default is from to
network.dhcp.start_ip =
network.dhcp.end_ip =

#Enable or disable the VLAN of WAN prot; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.internet_port_enable = 0

#Configure the VLAN ID, it ranges from 0 to 4094, the default value is 0.
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.internet_port_vid = 0

#Configure the VLAN priority, it ranges from 0 (default) to 7.
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.internet_port_priority = 0

#Enable or disable the VLAN of PC port; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.pc_port_enable = 0

#Configure the VLAN ID, it ranges from 0 to 4094, the default value is 1.
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.pc_port_vid = 1

#Configure the VLAN priority, it ranges from 0 (default) to 7.
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.pc_port_priority = 0

#Enable or disable the DHCP to obtain the information of the VLAN; 0-Disabled; 1-Enabled (default);
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.dhcp_enable = 0

#Configure the DHCP option to obtain the information of the VLAN. It ranges from 0 to 255.
#Multiple options separated by a comma. It supports up to 5 options in all.
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.dhcp_option =

#Configure the transmit package mode when the VLAN of PC port is enabled;
#0-The package is not treated and forwarded directly from PC port to the WAN port;
#1-The package is added the tag and forwarded from PC port to the WAN port, if the package is not the tag.
#Require reboot;
network.vlan.pc_port_mode = 0

#Configure the HTTP port (80 by default) and the HTTPS port (443 by default) of the web server. Both range from 1 to 65535.
#Require reboot;
network.port.http = 80
network.port.https = 443

#Enable or disable the https access. 1-Enable. 0-Disable.
wui.https_enable = 1
wui.http_enable = 1

#Configure the maximum local RTP port. It ranges from 0 to 65535, the default value is 11800.
#Require reboot;
network.port.max_rtpport = 11800

#Configure the minimum local RTP port. It ranges from 0 to 65535, the default value is 11780.
#Require reboot;
network.port.min_rtpport = 11780

#Configure the voice QOS. It ranges from 0 to 63, the default value is 46.
#Require reboot;
network.qos.rtptos = 46

#Configure the SIP QOS. It ranges from 0 to 63, the default value is 26.
#Require reboot;
network.qos.signaltos = 26

#Configure the 802.1x mode; 0-Disabled (default), 1-EAP-MD5, 2-EAP-TLS, 3-PEAP-MSCHAPV2;
#Require reboot;
network.802_1x.mode = 0

#Configure the username and password for 802.1x authentication.
#Require reboot;
network.802_1x.identity =
network.802_1x.md5_password =

#Configure the access URL of the root and client certificates.
network.802_1x.root_cert_url =
network.802_1x.client_cert_url =

#Enable or disable the VPN feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
network.vpn_enable = 0

#Enable or disable the LLDP feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
#Require reboot;
network.lldp.enable = 1

#Configure the interval(in seconds) the phone broadcasts the LLDP request. It ranges from 1 to 3600, the default value is 60.
#Require reboot;
network.lldp.packet_interval = 60

#Enable or disable the SNMP feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
network.snmp.enable = 0

#Configure the SNMP port.
#Require reboot;
network.snmp.port =

#Configure the IP address(es) of the trusted SNMP server,multiple IP addresses must be separated by a space.
#Require reboot;
network.snmp.trust_ip =

#Enable or disable the span from WAN port to PC port feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
network.span_to_pc_port = 0

#Configure the phone whether to add the MAC address to the User-Agent header; 0-Do not add, 1-Add;
#Require reboot;
network.sip.tag_mac_to_ua.enable = 0

#It enables or disables the phone to use the static DNS.0-Disabled,1-Enabled,The default value is 0.
network.static_dns_enable = 0

## Hostname ##
#It configures the host name of the phone.The default value is SIP-T2xP (X=0,2,6,8)
network.dhcp_host_name =

## Syslog Server ##

#Configure the IP address of the syslog server.
#Require reboot;
syslog.server =

#Configure the syslog type. 0-Local(default), 1-Server.
syslog.mode =

#Configure the syslog level. It ranges from 0 to 6, the default value is 3.
#Require reboot;
syslog.log_level =

## TR069 ##

#The TR069 feature is only applicable to some designated firmware version.
#All settings of TR069 require reboot.
#Enable or disable the TR069 feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
managementserver.enable = 0

#Configure the username and password for the phone to authenticate with the ACS.
managementserver.username =
managementserver.password =

#Configure the access URL of the ACS.
managementserver.url =

#Configure the username and password for the phone to authenticate the connection requests.
managementserver.connection_request_username =
managementserver.connection_request_password =

#Enable or disable the phone to inform its configuration to the ACS; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
managementserver.periodic_inform_enable =

#Configure the interval (in seconds) the phone to inform its configuration to the ACS. The default value is 60.
managementserver.periodic_inform_interval =

## Auto Provisioning ##

#Configure the auto provision mode;
#0-Disabled (default), 1-Power on, 4-Repeatedly, 5-Weekly, 6-Power on + Repeatedly, 7-Power on + Weekly;
auto_provision.mode = 1

#Enable or disable the Plug and Play feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
auto_provision.pnp_enable = 0

#Configure the domain name of the PNP server.
auto_provision.pnp_domain_name =

#Configure the value (manufacturer of the device) of the PNP subscribe message.
auto_provision.pnp_event_vendor =

#Configure the interval (in minutes) for the phone to check new configuration files. It ranges from 1 to 43200, the default value is 1440.
#It is only applicable to "Repeatedly" and "Power on + Repeatedly" modes.
auto_provision.schedule.periodic_minute =

#Configure the start time of the day for the phone to check new configuration files. The default value is 00:00.
#It is only applicable to "Weekly" and "Power on + Weekly" modes.
#If the desired start time of the day is seven forty-five a.m., the value format is 07:45.
auto_provision.schedule.time_from =

#Configure the end time of the day for the phone to check new configuration files. The default time is 00:00.
#It is only applicable to "Weekly" and "Power on + Weekly" modes.
#If the desired end time of the day is seven forty-five p.m., the value format is 19:45.
auto_provision.schedule.time_to =

#Configure the day of week for the phone to check new configuration files. The default vaule is 0123456.
#It is only applicable to "Weekly" and "Power on + Weekly" modes.
#If the desired week is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the value format is 012.
auto_provision.schedule.dayofweek =

#Configure the URL of the auto provisioning server.
auto_provision.server.url =

#Configure the username and password for downloading.
auto_provision.server.username =
auto_provision.server.password =

#Configure the name of the common file.
#T28P: y000000000000.cfg, T26P: y000000000004.cfg, T22P: y000000000005.cfg, T20P: y000000000007.cfg;
auto_provision.common_file_name = y000000000000.cfg

#Enable or disable DHCP option mode; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
auto_provision.dhcp_option.enable = 1

#Configure the value (manufacturer of the device) of DHCP option 60.
auto_provision.dhcp_option.option60_value =

#Configure the custom DHCP option number. It ranges from 128 to 254.
auto_provision.dhcp_option.list_user_options = 150

auto_provision.aes_key_in_file = 

#Configure AES key (16 characters) for decrypting the common CFG file. =

#Configure AES key (16 characters) for decrypting the MAC-Oriented CFG file.
auto_provision.aes_key_16.mac =

#Configure the mode of downloading configuration files for the phone. The value is 0(default) or 1.
auto_provision.update_file_mode = 0

## Auto Provisioning Code ##

#This feature allows user to trigger the auto provisioning by pressing a predefined string on the phone.
#Require reboot;
#"X" ranges from 1 to 50

#Configure the auto provisioning name.
#The valid value is a string, the maximum length is 100. =

#Configure the auto provisioning code;
#The valid value is a string, the maximum length is 100.
#autoprovision.X.code =

#Configure the URL of the auto provisioning server.
#The valid value is a string, the maximum length is 256.
#autoprovision.X.url =

#Configure the username and password for downloading.
#The valid value is a string, the maximum length is 100.
#autoprovision.X.user =
#autoprovision.X.password =

#Configure AES key (16 characters) for decrypting the common CFG file and MAC-Oriented CFG file.
#autoprovision.X.com_aes =
#autoprovision.X.mac_aes = = Update Configuration
autoprovision.1.code = 123456789
autoprovision.1.url = tftp://
autoprovision.1.user =
autoprovision.1.password =
autoprovision.1.com_aes =
autoprovision.1.mac_aes = =
autoprovision.2.code =
autoprovision.2.url =
autoprovision.2.user =
autoprovision.2.password =
autoprovision.2.com_aes =
autoprovision.2.mac_aes =

## Phone Features ##

#Enable or disable the phone to escape the pound key as percent sign followed by 23 when dialing out; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
sip.use_23_as_pound = 1

#Enable or disable the RFC2543 Hold feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
sip.rfc2543_hold = 0

#Enable or disable the phone to keep sending the SIP messages to the outbound server; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
sip.use_out_bound_in_dialog = 1

#Configure the registration random time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 (default) to 60.
sip.reg_surge_prevention = 0

#Enable or disable the WatchDog feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
watch_dog.enable = 1

#Enable or disable the transferee to display the missed call prompt when receiving a semi_attended transfer call;
#0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
transfer.semi_attend_tran_enable = 1

#Enable or disable the phone to complete the blind or attended transfer through on-hook;
transfer.blind_tran_on_hook_enable = 1
transfer.on_hook_trans_enable = 1

#Define the way of DSS key when configuring as a transfer key; 0-Display Number, 1-Attended Transfer, 2-Blind Transfer (default);
transfer.dsskey_deal_type = 2

#Enable or disable the phone to enter the transfer to interface during two calls when pressing the transfer soft key or TRAN key; 0-Disable, 1-Enabled (default);
transfer.multi_call_trans_enable = 1

#Enable or disable the conference initiator to transfer the call when hanging up.
transfer.tran_others_after_conf_enable = 1

## Call Forward ##

#Configure the call forward key mode; 0-Phone mode (default), 1-Custom mode.
features.fwd_mode = 0

#Enable or disable the always forward feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
forward.always.enable = 0

#Configure the target number that the phone will forward the call to. =

#Configure the always forward on code and off code.
forward.always.on_code =
forward.always.off_code =

#Enable or disable the busy forward feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
forward.busy.enable = 0 =
forward.busy.on_code =
forward.busy.off_code =

#Enable or disable the no answer forward feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Configure the waiting ring times before forwarding. It ranges from 0 to 20, the default value is 2.
forward.no_answer.enable = 0 =
forward.no_answer.timeout =
forward.no_answer.on_code =
forward.no_answer.off_code =

#Enable or disable the phone to forward the call to the international number (the prefix is 00); 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled; =

## DND ##

#Configure the DND key mode; 0-Phone mode (default), 1-Custom mode.
features.dnd_mode = 0

#Configure the DND on code and off code.
features.dnd.on_code =
features.dnd.off_code =

#It enables or disables the phone to recevice incoming calls from authorized numbers when DND feature is enabled.0-Disabled,1-Enabled.The default value is 0.
features.dnd.emergency_enable = 0

#It configures the numbers the phone will receive incoming calls from when DND feature is enabled.Multiple numbers are separated by comma.The default value is blank.
features.dnd.emergency_authorized_number =

## Voice ##

#Enable or disable the voice activity detection feature; 0-Disbaled (default), 1-Enabled;
voice.vad = 0

#Enable or disable the comfortable noise generator; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
voice.cng = 1

#Enable or disable the echo canceller; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
voice.echo_cancellation = 1

#Configure the volume of the side tone. It ranges from -48 to 0, the default value is -3.
voice.side_tone= -3

#Configure the sending volume of Speaker, Handset and Headset. It ranges from 1 to 53, the default values are 25, 35, 29.
#Require reboot;
voice.handfree_send = 25
voice.handset_send = 35
voice.headset_send = 29

#Configure the type of jitter buffer; 0-Fixed, 1-Adaptive (default);
voice.jib.adaptive = 1

#Configure the minimum delay, maximum delay and normal delay. The default values are 0, 300, 120.
voice.jib.min = 0
voice.jib.max = 300
voice.jib.normal = 120

#Define the voice tone, the valid values can be Custom (default) or voice tone of different countries. For example, United States, France, Germany and so on. = Custom = United States

#Customize the tone when the "" is configured as Custom.
#The value format: Frequency/Duration.
#Frequency ranges from 200 to 7000. When 0 is used to define the frequency, it means a pause between tones.
#A tone can be composited at most four different frequencies (the value format is: F1+F2+F3+F4).
#Duration is the time duration (in milliseconds) of ringing the tone. It ranges from 0 to 30000ms.
#At most eight tones can be configured for dial, ring, busy and so on, each tone is separated by a comma.
#For example, voice.tone.dial = 100/200,200/150,300+400+500+1200/1000,0/1200,500+900/800,5000+2000+3000/6000,0/1500,3600/1800
voice.tone.dial =
voice.tone.ring =
voice.tone.busy =
voice.tone.congestion =
voice.tone.callwaiting =
voice.tone.dialrecall =
voice.tone.record= =
voice.tone.stutter =
voice.tone.message =
voice.tone.autoanswer =

#Configure the receiving volume of Speaker, Handset and Headset. It ranges from 0 to 15, the default value is 8.
voice.handfree.spk_vol = 8
voice.handset.spk_vol = 8
voice.headset.spk_vol = 8

#Configure the dial tone volume of Speaker, Handset and Headset. It ranges from 0 to 15, the default value is 8.
voice.handfree.tone_vol = 8
voice.handset.tone_vol = 8
voice.headset.tone_vol = 8

#configure the preview call mode; 1-Ignore:the mixed of tone and RTP (default), 2-Force: discard the RTP and play the tone, 3-Skip: skip the tone to play the RTP;
voice.call_preview_mode= 1

## Security Settings ##

#Enable or disable the phone to only accept the certificates in the Trusted Certificates list;
#0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
security.trust_certificates =

#Define the login username and password of the user, var and administrator.
#If you change the username of the administrator from "admin" to "admin1", your new administrator's username should be configured as: security.user_name.admin = admin1.
#If you change the password of the administrator from "admin" to "admin1pwd", your new administrator's password should be configured as: security.user_password = admin1:admin1pwd.

#The following examples change the user's username to "user23" and the user's password to "user23pwd".
#security.user_name.user = user23
#security.user_password = user23:user23pwd
#The following examples change the var's username to "var55" and the var's password to "var55pwd".
#security.user_name.var = var55
#security.user_password = var55:var55pwd

security.user_name.user =
security.user_name.admin =
security.user_name.var =
security.user_password =

#Enable or disable the 3-level permissions (open var); 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
security.var_enable =

## Customize the softkey ##
#Customize the softkeys presented on the phone LCD screen when Callfailed, Callin, Connecting, Dialing, Ringback and Talking.
#Before using these parameters, you should store the desired XML files to the provisioning server.
custom_softkey_call_failed.url =
custom_softkey_call_in.url =
custom_softkey_connecting.url =
custom_softkey_dialing.url =
custom_softkey_ring_back.url =
custom_softkey_talking.url =

## Line Key ##

#The x of the parameter "linekey.x.line" ranges from 1 to 6.
#The default value equals to the value of x. For example, the default value of the parameter "linekey.1.line" is 1.
#For T28P, the value of the "linekey.X.line" ranges from 0 to 6. The value 0 or 1 of the "linekey.x.line" stands for line 1£¬The value 2 of the "linekey.x.line" stands for line 2
#linekey.x.lable--Define the label for each line key.

#Configure Line Key1
linekey.1.line = 0
linekey.1.value =
linekey.1.pickup_value =
linekey.1.type = 15
linekey.1.xml_phonebook =
linekey.1.label = Ext 1100

#Configure Line Key2
linekey.2.line = 0
linekey.2.value =
linekey.2.pickup_value =
linekey.2.type = 15
linekey.2.xml_phonebook =
linekey.2.label = Ext 1100

#Configure Line Key3
linekey.3.line = 0
linekey.3.value =
linekey.3.pickup_value =
linekey.3.type = 15
linekey.3.xml_phonebook =
linekey.3.label = Ext 1100

#Configure Line Key4 (for T28P only)
linekey.4.line = 0
linekey.4.value =
linekey.4.pickup_value =
linekey.4.type = 15
linekey.4.xml_phonebook =
linekey.4.label = Ext 1100

#Configure Line Key5 (for T28P only)
linekey.5.line = 0
linekey.5.value =
linekey.5.pickup_value =
linekey.5.type = 15
linekey.5.xml_phonebook =
linekey.5.label = Ext 1100

#Configure Line Key6 (for T28P only)
linekey.6.line = 0
linekey.6.value =
linekey.6.pickup_value =
linekey.6.type = 50
linekey.6.xml_phonebook =
linekey.6.label = Lock

## Programmable Key ##
#X ranges from 1 to 15.
#programablekey.x.type--Customize the programmable key type.
#The valid types are:
#0-N/A 2-Forward 5-DND 6-Redial 7-Call Return 8-SMS 9-Direct Pickup 13-Spead Dial
#22-XML Group 23-Group Pickup 27-XML Browser 28-History 30-Menu 31-Switch Account 32-New SMS
#33-Status 40-PTT 43-Local Phonebook 44-Broadsoft Phonebook 45-Local Group 46-Broadsoft Group 47-XML Phonebook 50-Keypad Lock
#55-meet me 56-retrieve park 58-ACD Trace 59-disp code 60-Emergency 61-Directory
#PTT-add a specified prefix number before the dialed number.
#programablekey.x.line--Configure the desired line to apply the key feature. It ranges from 0 to 6.
#The value 0 or 1 of the "proramablekey.x.line" stands for line1, it means the first available line.

#programablekey.x.value =
#programablekey.x.xml_phonebook--Specify the desired remote phonebook/local group/BSFT phonebook for the programmable key. This parameter is only applicable to the feature XML Group/Local Group/Broadsoft Group.
#0-the first phonebook£¬1-the second phonebook£¬and so on.
#programablekey.x.history_type =
#0-local calllog£¬1-network calllog.

#programablekey.x.label--This parameter is only available to the key 1 to key 4.

programablekey.1.type = 28
programablekey.1.line = 0
programablekey.1.value =
programablekey.1.xml_phonebook =
programablekey.1.history_type =
programablekey.1.label = History

programablekey.2.type = 47
programablekey.2.line = 0
programablekey.2.value =
programablekey.2.xml_phonebook =
programablekey.2.history_type =
programablekey.2.label = Directory

programablekey.3.type = 5
programablekey.3.line = 0
programablekey.3.value =
programablekey.3.xml_phonebook =
programablekey.3.history_type =
programablekey.3.label = DND

programablekey.4.type = 30
programablekey.4.line = 0
programablekey.4.value =
programablekey.4.xml_phonebook =
programablekey.4.history_type =
programablekey.4.label = Menu

## Expansion Key ##
#X ranges from 1 to 16, Y ranges from 1 to 40.
#expansion_module.x.key.y.type = 37 (Switch by default)
#expansion_module.x.key.y.line = 0
#expansion_module.x.key.y.value =
#expansion_module.x.key.y.pickup_value =
#expansion_module.x.key.y.label =
#expansion_module.X.key.Y.xml_phonebook =

#Each expansion module1 key1
expansion_module.1.key.1.type = 37
expansion_module.1.key.1.line = 0
expansion_module.1.key.1.value =
expansion_module.1.key.1.pickup_value =
expansion_module.1.key.1.label = Switch
expansion_module.1.key.1.xml_phonebook =

#Each expansion module1 key2
expansion_module.1.key.2.type = 16
expansion_module.1.key.2.line = 0
expansion_module.1.key.2.value = 102
expansion_module.1.key.2.pickup_value =
expansion_module.1.key.2.label = Demo 7945
expansion_module.1.key.2.xml_phonebook =

#Each expansion module2 key1
expansion_module.2.key.1.type = 37
expansion_module.2.key.1.line = 0
expansion_module.2.key.1.value =
expansion_module.2.key.1.pickup_value =
expansion_module.2.key.1.label = Page
expansion_module.2.key.1.xml_phonebook =

#Each expansion module2 key2
expansion_module.2.key.1.type = 16
expansion_module.2.key.1.line = 0
expansion_module.2.key.1.value = 103
expansion_module.2.key.1.pickup_value =
expansion_module.2.key.1.label = Demo 7941
expansion_module.2.key.1.xml_phonebook =

## Automatic Call Distribute ##
#Enable or disable the phone to automatically change the phone status to available; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
acd.auto_available =

#Configure the interval (in seconds) to automatically turn the state of the ACD agent to available. It ranges from 0 to 120, the default value is 60.
acd.auto_available_timer =

# Action URL Settings ##

#action_url.setup_completed--Inform the server that the phone has completed the startup.
#action_url.dnd_on-- Inform the server that the DND is activated on the phone.
#The value format is: http://IP address of server/help.xml?variable name=variable value.
#The valid variable values are: $mac--MAC address of phone, $ip--The current IP address of phone, $model--Phone model, $firmware--Phone firmware version.
#$active_url--The SIP URI of the current account when the phone is in the incoming state, outgoing state or during conversation.
#$active_user--The username of the current account when the phone is in the incoming state, outgoing state or during conversation.
#$active_host--The host name of the current account when the phone is in the incoming state, the outgoing state or during conversation.
#$local--The SIP URI of the caller when outgoing calls or the SIP URI of the callee when receiving calls.
#$remote--The SIP URI of the callee when outgoing calls or the SIP URI of the caller when receiving calls.
#$display_local--The display name of the caller when outgoing calls or the display name of the callee when receiving calls.
#$display_remote--The display name of the callee when outgoing calls or the display name of the caller when receiving calls.
#$call_id--The caller ID when in the incoming state, the outgoing state or during conversation.
#For example, action_url.log_on =$mac

action_url.setup_completed =
action_url.log_on =
action_url.log_off =
action_url.register_failed =
action_url.off_hook =
action_url.on_hook =
action_url.incoming_call =
action_url.outgoing_call =
action_url.call_established =
action_url.dnd_on =
action_url.dnd_off =
action_url.always_fwd_on =
action_url.always_fwd_off =
action_url.busy_fwd_on =
action_url.busy_fwd_off =
action_url.no_answer_fwd_on =
action_url.no_answer_fwd_off =
action_url.transfer_call =
action_url.blind_transfer_call =
action_url.attended_transfer_call =
action_url.hold =
action_url.unhold =
action_url.mute =
action_url.unmute =
action_url.missed_call =
action_url.call_terminated =
action_url.busy_to_idle =
action_url.idle_to_busy =
action_url.ip_change =
action_url.answer_new_incoming_call =
action_url.reject_incoming_call =
action_url.transfer_finished =
action_url.transfer_failed =
action_url.forward_incoming_call =

## Language Settings ##

#Specify the web language, the valid values are: English, Chinese_S, Turkish, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Deutsch and Czech.
lang.wui = English

#Specify the LCD language, the valid values are: English (default), German, French, Turkish, Italian, Polish, Spanish and Portuguese.
#lang.gui = English
lang.gui = English

## Time Settings ##

#Configure the time zone and time zone name. The time zone ranges from -11 to +12, the default value is +8.
#The default time zone name is China(Beijing).
#Refer to Yealink IP Phones User Guide for more available time zones and time zone names.
#local_time.time_zone = +8
#local_time.time_zone_name = China(Beijing)
local_time.time_zone = -7
local_time.time_zone_name = Mountain

#Configure the domain name or the IP address of the NTP server. The default value is
local_time.ntp_server1 =
local_time.ntp_server2 =

#Configure the update interval (in seconds) when using the NTP server. The default value is 1000.
local_time.interval = 1000

#Configure the daylight saving time feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled, 2-Automatic (default);
local_time.summer_time = 2

#Configure the DST type when the DST feature is enabled; 0-By Date (default), 1-By Week;
local_time.dst_time_type =

#Configure the start time of DST. The default value is 1/1/0.
#If the DST type is configured as By Date, the value format is Month/Day/Hour. For example, the value 5/20/10 means the start time is at 10:00 on May 20.
#If the DST type is configured as By Week, the value format is Month/Day of Week/Day of Week Last in Month/Hour of Day.
#For example, the value 1/4/2/5 means the start time is at 5 o'clock on Tuesday of the 4th week in January.
local_time.start_time =

#Configure the end time of DST. The default value is 12/31/23. The value format is the same to the start time.
local_time.end_time =

#Configure the offset time (in seconds). It ranges from -300 to 300, the default value is 60.
local_time.offset_time =

#Configure the time format; 0-12 Hour, 1-24 Hour (default);
local_time.time_format =

#Configure the date format; 0-WWW MMM DD (default), 1-DD-MMM-YY, 2-YYYY-MM-DD, 3-DD/MM/YYYY, 4-MM/DD/YY, 5-DD MMM YYYY, 6-WWW DD MMM;
local_time.date_format =

#Enable or disable the DHCP Time; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
local_time.dhcp_time =

#Enable or disable the manual time setting. 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
local_time.manual_time_enable =

## Hot Desking ##
#Enable or disable the phone to show the following items on the login wizard during startup; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
#hotdesking.startup_register_name_enable = 1 (default)
#hotdesking.startup_username_enable = 1 (default)
#hotdesking.startup_password_enable = 0 (default)
#hotdesking.startup_sip_server_enable = 0 (default)
#hotdesking.startup_outbound_enable = 0 (default)

hotdesking.startup_register_name_enable = 0
hotdesking.startup_username_enable = 0
hotdesking.startup_password_enable = 0
hotdesking.startup_sip_server_enable = 0
hotdesking.startup_outbound_enable = 0

#Enable or disable the phone to show the following items on the login wizard when pressing the Hot Desking DSS key;
#0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
#hotdesking.dsskey_register_name_enable = 1 (default)
#hotdesking.dsskey_username_enable = 1 (default)
#hotdesking.dsskey_password_enable = 0 (default)
#hotdesking.dsskey_sip_server_enable = 0 (default)
#hotdesking.dsskey_outbound_enable = 0 (default)

hotdesking.dsskey_register_name_enable = 0
hotdesking.dsskey_username_enable = 0
hotdesking.dsskey_password_enable = 0
hotdesking.dsskey_sip_server_enable = 0
hotdesking.dsskey_outbound_enable = 0

## Distinctive Ring Tones ##

#"X" ranges from 1 to 10;
#Configure the text to map the keywords contained in the "Alert-info" header.
#distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.X.text = family
distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.1.text =

#Specify the ring tone for each text. It ranges from 1 to 8. The default value 1 stands for Ring1.wav.
#1-Ring1.wav, 2-Ring2.wav, 3-Ring3.wav, 4-Ring4.wav, 5-Ring5.wav, 6-Ring6.wav, 7-Ring7.wav, 8-Ring8.wav.
#distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.X.ringer = 1
distinctive_ring_tones.alert_info.1.ringer =

## Auto Redial ##

#Enable or disable the auto redial feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
auto_redial.enable =

#Configure the interval (in seconds) to wait before redial. It ranges from 1 to 300. The default value is 10.
auto_redial.interval =

#Configure the auto redial times. It ranges from 1 to 300. The default value is 10.
auto_redial.times =

## Zero Touch ##
#Enable or disable the Zero Touch feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
zero_touch.enable =

#Configure the waiting time (in seconds) before canceling the Zero Touch. It ranges from 0 to 100, the default value is 5.
zero_touch.wait_time =

## Push XML ##

push_xml.server =

#Enable or disable the phone to display the push XML interface when receiving an incoming call; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
push_xml.block_in_calling =

#Enable or disable the phone to use the push XML via SIP Notify message; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
push_xml.sip_notify =

## Dial Plan ##

#Configure the area code;
dialplan.area_code.code =
dialplan.area_code.min_len = 1
dialplan.area_code.max_len = 15

#When applying the rule to multiple lines, each line ID separated by a comma.
#e.g. dialplan.area_code.line_id = 1,2,3
dialplan.area_code.line_id =

#Configure the block out number. X ranges from 1 to 10.
#dialplan.block_out.number.x =
dialplan.block_out.number.1 =

#When applying the rule to multiple lines, mutiple lines must be separated by a comma. E.g. 1,2,3.
#dialplan.block_out.line_id.X =
dialplan.block_out.line_id.1 =

#Configure the replace rule. X ranges from 1 to 20.
#dialplan.item.X = Enabled,Prefix,Replaced,LineID
#Enabled: Enable or disable the replace rule. 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled; Prefix: Specify the numbers that need replacing;
#Replaced: Specify the alternate numbers;
#LineID: Specify the line ID to apply the replace rule,multiple lines ID must be separated by a comma;
dialplan.item.1 =

#Configure the dialnow rule. X ranges from 1 to 20.
#dialnow.item.X = Dial-now rule,Line ID
#Dial-now rule: Specify the numbers that need replacing;
#Line ID:Specify the line ID to apply the replace rule,multiple lines must be separated by a comma;
dialnow.item.1 =

dialplan.dialnow.rule.X =
dialplan.dialnow.line_id.X =
dialplan.replace.prefix.X =
dialplan.replace.replace.X =
dialplan.replace.line_id.X =

## BSFT Phonebook ##

#Configuration of BW phonebook. X ranges from 1 to 6. = = = = = = = = = =

#Configure the search parameter of Broadsoft phonebook version 1.0, mutiple parameters must be separated by a "&"symbol.
bw_phonebook.search_params_v1 =

#Configure the search parameter of Broadsoft phonebook version 2.0, mutiple parameters must be separated by a "&"symbol.
bw_phonebook.search_params_v2 =

#Configure the mode of search parameters; 0-AND, 1-OR (default); The vaule only works in Broadsoft phonebook verion 2.0;
bw_phonebook.search_mode_or =

## BSFT Call Log ##

#Configuration of the BW call log. X ranges from 1 to 3. = = = = = = = = = =

#Enable or disable the phone to access the BSFT call log/phonebook directly when pressing the History/Directory soft keys;
#0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
#Require reboot;
bw.calllog_and_dir =

#Specify whether to display the BSFT call log on the web user interface; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
#Require reboot;
bw.behave_calllog =

#Specify whether to display the BSFT directory on the web user interface; 0-Disabled, 1-Enable (default);
#Require reboot;
bw.directory_enable =

#Enable or disable the feature key synchronization; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
bw.feature_key_sync =

## Remote phonebook ##

#Configure the access URL and dispaly name of the remote phonebook. X ranges from 1 to 5. = = = = Company Directory

## LDAP Settings ##
#Configure the search criteria for name and number lookups.
ldap.name_filter =
ldap.number_filter = =
ldap.port = 389

ldap.base =
ldap.user =
ldap.password =

#Specify the maximum of the displayed search results. It ranges from 1 to 32000, the default value is 50.
ldap.max_hits =

ldap.name_attr =
ldap.numb_attr =
ldap.display_name =

#Configure the LDAP version. The valid value is 2 or 3 (default).
ldap.version =

#Conifugre the search delay time. It ranges from 0 (default) to 2000.
ldap.search_delay =

#Enable or disable the phone to query the contact name from the LDAP server when receiving an incoming call; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
ldap.call_in_lookup =

#Enable or disable the phone to sort the search results in alphabetical order; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
ldap.ldap_sort =

#Enable or disable the phone to query the LDAP server when in the pre-dialing or the dialing state; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
ldap.dial_lookup =

## Phone Features ##

#Configure the return code when activating DND; 404-No Found, 480-Temporarily not available (default), 486-Busy here;
#features.dnd_refuse_code = 480
features.dnd_refuse_code =

#Configure the return code when refusing a call. The valid values are 404, 480, 486 (default).
features.normal_refuse_code =

#Enable or disable the call completion feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.call_completion_enable =

#Configure the LED flashing mode of the BLF key (line key). The value is 0(default) or 1.
features.blf_led_mode =

#Enable or disable the call waiting feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
call_waiting.enable =

#It configures the call waiting on code.The default value is blank.
call_waiting.on_code =

#It configures the call waiting off code.The default value is blank.
call_waiting.off_code =

#Enable or disable the playing of call waiting tone; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
call_waiting.tone =

#Enable or disable the intercom feature; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.intercom.allow =

#Enable or disable the phone to mute the Speaker when answering an intercom call; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.intercom.mute =

#Enable or disable the phone to play the intercom warning tone; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.intercom.tone =

#Enable or disable the phone to barge in an intercom call; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.intercom.barge =

#Enables or disables the IP phone to query the contact names from the remote phonebook when receiving incoming calls; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.remote_phonebook.enable =

#Set the interval (in seconds) for the phone to update the information of the remote phonebook. The default value is 21600.
features.remote_phonebook.flash_time =

#Configure the hotline number and delay time (in seconds). It ranges from 0 to 180, the default value is 4.
features.hotline_number =
features.hotline_delay =

#Enable or disable the phone to suppress the display of DTMF digits; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.dtmf.hide =

#Enables or disables the IP phone to display the DTMF digits for a short period before displaying as asterisks; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.dtmf.hide_delay =

#Configure the repetition times of DTMF end packet. The valid values are 1, 2, 3 (default).
features.dtmf.repetition =

#Configure DTMF sequences. It can be consisted of digits, alphabets, * and #.
features.dtmf.transfer =

#Enable or disable the phone to send DTMF sequences during a call when pressing the transfer soft key or the TRAN key; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.dtmf.replace_tran =

#Enable or disable the headset prior feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.headset_prior =

#Enable or disable the dual headset feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.headset_training =

#Configure the delay time (in milliseconds) before transfering a call. The default value is 0.
features.hold_trans_delay =

#Enbale or disable the phone to play a local DTMF tone; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.play_local_dtmf_tone_enable =

#Enbale or disable the server to release the BLA line automatically; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.auto_release_bla_line =

#Configure the delay time (in seconds) of playing busy tone when rejecting a call. The valid values are 0 (default), 3 and 5.
features.busy_tone_delay =

#Configure the phone whether to send a pound key when pressing double pound keys; 0-Send one pound key (default), 1-Do not send any pound key;
features.send_pound_key =

#Define the "#" or "*" key as the send key; 0-Disabled, 1-# key(default), 2-* key;
features.pound_key.mode =

#Enable or disable the phone to play tone when pressing the digit key; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.send_key_tone =
features.key_tone =

#Enable or disable the phone to play a warning tone when there is a held call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.play_hold_tone.enable =

#Configure the interval of playing a warning tone. The default value is 30s.
features.play_hold_tone.delay =

features.redial_tone =

#Enable or disable the phone with active accounts to play tones in the dialing interface differently from the phone with no active accounts; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enbaled;
features.partition_tone =

#Enable or disable the phone to encrypt the digits of the dialed number. The encrypted digits are displayed as asterisks on the LCD screen; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.password_dial.enable =

#Configure the prefix numbers displayed before the encrypted digits.
features.password_dial.prefix =

#Configure the length of encrypted digits.
features.password_dial.length =

#Enable or disable the phone to diaplay the Save Call Log option on the web user interface; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.history_save_display =

#Enable or disable the phone to save the call history; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.save_call_history =

#Configure the power Indicator LED to turn on ro turn off; 0-On (default), 1-Off;
features.power_led_on =

#Specifie the address(es) or enters ¡°any¡± from which Action URI will be accepted.
#For discontinuous IP addresses, each IP address is separated by comma, for example:,
#For continuous IP addresses, the format likes *.*.*.* and the ¡°*¡± stands for the values 0~255. For example: 10.10.*.* stands for the IP addresses that range from
#If left blank, the IP phone cannot receive or handle any HTTP GET request.
#If set to ¡°any¡±, the IP phone accepts and handles HTTP GET requests from any IP address.
features.action_uri_limit_ip =

#Configure the delay time (in seconds)of auto answer. The time ranges from 1 to 4, the default value is 1s.
features.auto_answer_delay =

#Enable or disable the transfer DSS key to perform the blind transfer; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.dsskey_blind_tran =

#Configure the overtime (in minutes) of logging web user interface. It ranges from 1 to 1000, the default value is 5.
features.relog_offtime =

#Enable or disable the phone to dial the IP address directly; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.direct_ip_call_enable =

#Configure the ringtone of emergency calls;
#features.emergency_ring = Emergency.wav
features.emergency_ring =

#Enable or disable the phone to mute the call during an active call; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.allow_mute =

#Specify the ring device when the phone is in the Headset mode; 0-use Speaker (default), 1-use Headset;2- Use Headset& Speaker.
features.ringer_device.is_use_headset =

#Enable or disable the phone to pick up the call using the group pickup soft key; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.pickup.group_pickup_enable =

#Configure the group pickup code.
features.pickup.group_pickup_code =

#Enable or disable the phone to pick up the call using the directed pickup soft key; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.pickup.direct_pickup_enable =

#Configure the directed pickup code.
features.pickup.direct_pickup_code = **

#Specify the way to notify the phone of the incoming call of the monitored user by visual or audio indicator;
#0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
features.pickup.blf_visual_enable =
features.pickup.blf_audio_enable =

#Configure the input type when the phone is in the dialing state, if the parameter "ldap.dial_lookup" is Enabled; 0-2aB, 1-123 (default), 2-abc, 3-ABC;
features.ldap.input_type =

#Enable or disable the phone to play the warning tone when receiving a vocie mail. 0-Disabled; 1-Enabled(default).
features.voice_mail_tone_enable =

#Blf led switch in idle.0-Disabled; 1-Enabled(default).
features.blf_and_callpark_idle_led_enable =

#Forward Diversion switch. 0-Disabled(default); 1-Enabled
features.fwd_diversion_enable =

#Configure the time (in seconds) the phone automatically dials out the dialed digits. It ranges from 1 to 14, the default value is 4.
phone_setting.inter_digit_time =

#Configure the flash hook time (in milliseconds). It ranges from 0 to 799, the default value is 1.
phone_setting.flash_hook_timer =

#Configure the keypad lock type; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Menu Key, 2-Function Key, 3-All Keys, 4-Lock&Answer;
phone_setting.lock =

#Configure the unlock password for the phone. The default value is 123.
phone_setting.phone_lock.unlock_pin =

#Configures the interval (in seconds) to automatically lock the IP phone. It ranges from 0 to 3600, the default value is 0.
phone_setting.phone_lock.lock_time_out =

#Configure the ring tone for the phone. System ring tones are: Common, Ring1.wav (default), Ring2.wav¡­¡­Ring8.wav.
#If you set the custom ring tone (Busy.wav) for the phone, the value is: phone_setting.ring_type = Busy.wav
#If you set the system ring tone (Ring2.wav) for the phone, the value is: phone_setting.ring_type = Ring2.wav
phone_setting.ring_type =

#Configure the contrast of the LCD screen. It ranges from 1 to 10,the default value is 6.
phone_setting.contrast =

#Configure the logo mode of the LCD screen; 0-Disabled (default), 1-System logo, 2-Custom logo;
phone_setting.lcd_logo.mode = 2

#Configure the active backlight level. It ranges from 1 to 3, the default value is 2.
#The same level for different phones may result in different backlight intensities.
phone_setting.active_backlight_level =

#Configure the backlight time (in seconds). The valid values are: 0-Always on, 1-Always off, 15-15s, 30-30s (default), 60-60s, 120-120s.
phone_setting.backlight_time =

#Configure the ring tone when the transfer fails. The valid values are: Ring1.wav.... Ring8.wav.
#phone_setting.ring_for_tranfailed = Ring1.wav
phone_setting.ring_for_tranfailed =

#Enable or disable the phone to show the logon wizard during startup; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
phone_setting.logon_wizard =

#Enable or disable the phone to automatically dial out the dialed digits in the pre-dial interface; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
phone_setting.predial_autodial =

#Enable or disable the phone to deal the 180 SIP message after the 183 SIP message; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
phone_setting.is_deal180 =

#Configure the delay time (in seconds) for the dialnow rule. It ranges from 1 to 14, the default value is 1.
phone_setting.dialnow_delay =

#Enable or disable customizing the softkey layout; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
phone_setting.custom_softkey_enable =

#Configure the using mode of the headset key. The value is 0 or 1(default).
phone_setting.headsetkey_mode =

#Configure the emergency number, each separated by a comma. The default value is 112,911,110.
phone_setting.emergency.number =

#Configure the phone whether to end the call when the network is unavailable; 0-End the call, 1-Do not end the call.
phone_setting.end_call_net_disconnect.enable =

#If leaving the field blank, the phone will display the value sent from the server when receiveing the 403 message; otherwise display the value entered in the filed.
#The default value is blank.
phone_setting.show_code403 =

#It configures a text logo.The maximum length of the value is 15 characters(only applicable to T20P IP phone).The default value is Yealink.
phone_setting.lcd_logo.text =

## Multicast ##
#Configure the codec of multicast paging.
multicast.codec =

#Enbale or diable the phone to handle the incoming multicast paging calls when there is a multicast paging call on the phone; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
#If enabled, the phone will answer the incoming multicast paging call with a higher priority and ignore that with a lower priority.
multicast.receive_priority.enable =

#Configure the priority of multicast paging calls. It ranges from 0 to 10.
multicast.receive_priority.priority =

#Configure the listening multicast IP address and port number for the phone. X ranges from 1 to 10.
#multicast.listen_address.X.ip_address =
multicast.listen_address.1.ip_address =

#Configure the lable displayed on the LCD screen when receiving the multicast paging. X ranges from 1 to 10.
#multicast.listen_address.X.label =
multicast.listen_address.1.label =

## Configure the access URL of firmware ##
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired firmware (x.70.x.x.rom) to the provisioning server.
firmware.url = tftp://

## Configure the access URL of the customized ringtones ##
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired ring tone (x.wav) to the provisioning server.
#For more information, refer to Yealink Auto Provisioning User Guide.
ringtone.url =

#ringtone.delete = http://localhost/all,delete all the customized ring tones.
ringtone.delete =

## Configure the access URL of language file ##
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired language pack to the provisioning server.
#For more information, refer to Yealink Auto Provisioning User Guide.
gui_lang.url =

#gui_lang.delete = http://localhost/all, delete all the customized languages.
gui_lang.delete =

## Configure the access URL of logo file ##
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired logo file (x.dob) to the provisioning server.
#For more information, refer to Yealink Auto Provisioning User Guide.
lcd_logo.url =

#lcd_logo.delete = http://localhost/all, delete all the customized logo.
lcd_logo.delete =

## Certificates ##
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired certificate to the provisioning server.
trusted_certificates.url =

#trusted_certificates.delete = http://localhost/all,delete all the trusted certificates.
trusted_certificates.delete =

#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired certificate to the provisioning server.
server_certificates.url =

#server_certificates.delete = http://localhost/all, delete the server certificate.
server_certificates.delete =

#The switch of CA cert.0-Defalut£»1-Custom£»2-All(Defalut)
security.ca_cert =

#It configures the device certificates for the phone to send for TLS authentication.
#0-Default certificates,1-Custom certificates.The default value is 0.
#It takes effect after reboot.
security.dev_cert =

#All the TLS application server mandatory verification certificate CommonName or SubjectAltName.0-Disable(Defalut). 1-Enable
security.cn_validation =

## Local Contact/DST Time/Dialnow Rule/Replace Rule ##

#Before using these parameters, you should store the desired resource files to the provisioning server.
#For more information, refer to Yealink SIP-T2xP IP Phone Family Administrator Guide. =
auto_dst.url =
dialplan_dialnow.url =
dialplan_replace_rule.url =

## Customized Factory Configurations ##
#Configure the access URL for downloading the customized factory configurations.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired factory configuration file to the provisioning server.
custom_factory_configuration.url =

## Customized Configurations ##
#Configure the access URL for downloading the configurations.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired configuration file to the provisioning server.
configuration.url = tftp://

#It configures the access URL of the customized MAC-Oriented CFG file.
custom_mac_cfg.url = tftp://

## Call List ##
#Configure the access URL for downloading the call list.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired call list file to the provisioning server.
#Require reboot
call_list.url =

## OpenVPN ##
#Configure the access URL for downloading the open VPN tar.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired VPN file to the provisioning server.
openvpn.url =

## Redirect ##
#Enable or disable the redirect feature; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
redirect.enable =

## Configuration files for Var ##
#Configure the access URL for downloading the files for var.
#Before using this parameter, you should store the desired files to the provisioning server.
#Require reboot
web_item_level.url =

#Configure the access URL for downloading the files for Search Source List In Dialing.
super_search.url =

#It enables or disables recent call in dialing feature. If it is enabled, you can view the placed calls list when the phone is in the pre-dialing screen(not applicable to the T20P IP phone).
#0-Disabled,1-Enabled,The default value is 0
super_search.recent_call =

#Enable or disable the alert_info. 0-Disabl.1-Enable
features.alert_info_tone =

#Configure the access URL for downloading the files for direcory setting.
directory_setting.url =

#Enable or disable the BroadSoft Directory.
bw_phonebook.personal_enable = 1
bw_phonebook.group_enable = 1
bw_phonebook.enterprise_enable = 0
bw_phonebook.group_common_enable = 0
bw_phonebook.enterprise_common_enable = 0
bw_phonebook.custom = 0

#Configure displayname of the group directory.
bw_phonebook.group_displayname =

#Configure displayname of the enterprise directory.
bw_phonebook.enterprise_displayname =

#Configure displayname of the personal directory.
bw_phonebook.personal_displayname =

##Configure displayname of the group common directory
bw_phonebook.group_common_displayname =

##Configure displayname of the enterprise common directory
bw_phonebook.enterprise_common_displayname =

#Enable or disable the BroadSoft CallLog.1-Enable(Defalut).0-Disable.
bw_phonebook.call_log_enable = 1

#Enable or disable the server search of the Broadsoft Directory.1-Enable£¨Default).0-(Local search).
bw_phonebook.server_search_enable = 1

#Enable or disable the callpark softkey funtion on talking.1-Enable.0-Disable.
call_park.enable = 1

#Enable or disable the Group callpark softkey funtion on talking.1-Enable.0-Disable.
call_park.group_enable =

#Enable or disable the ring notify of park.1-Enable.0-Disable.
call_park.park_ring =

#Enable or disable the visual notify of park.1-Enable.0-Disable.
call_park.park_visual_notify_enable = 1

#Enable or disable the group listening in taling. 0-Disable 1-Enable(Default)
features.group_listen_in_talking_enable =

#Configure the priority of auto blflist. 0-linekey,memory,exp£¨Default). 1-exp,memory,linekey.
phone_setting.blf_list_sequence_type =

#Enable or disable auto blf list. 0-Disable 1-Enable(Default)
phone_setting.auto_blf_list_enable =

#Enable or disable the password swith when resetting to factory. 0-Disable(Defalut) 1-Enable.
features.factory_pwd_enable = 0

#Enable or disable reset by long press on OK key. 0-Disable 1-Enable(Defautl)
features.reset_by_long_press_enable =

##Password erase switch of the export config file.0-Encrypted 1-Null(Default)
features.export_cfg_erase_pwd =

Found my issue! I had the setting below set to 1 rather than 0.

From the MAC specific file:

#Enable or disable ACD feature for Account1; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled;
account.1.acd.enable = 1

Thank you for your help.
Hi Fdtcloud,

Thank you for your reply. We will continue to render our service for you if you have other question.

Best Regards
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