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Full Version: VP59 with teams app not ringing
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I have a new VP59 and I used the instructions to load the teams app. I can make calls fine with speed dial and in the dial pad but when I call the number the phone will not ring. After I hang up I see the notification in the teams app. I have checked the DND, notification settings, and tried clearing the cache and restarting.

The only thing I can see that is off is the message during startup about teams not working because the phone does not support google play services. I do not think that is the cause based off other things I have read where people seem to be using this phone with teams but maybe I am wrong.

I think this is a android settings/permissions issue personally but I can't find a way to access the normal andriod settings on this phone.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I could just go with the team phone version but then I loose the ability to run other android apps like zoom.
For anybody else that might have this problem there is a teams version that works. It was provided to me by Yealink support but the app says it is version 1416/
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