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Full Version: T46S Software Reinstall?
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Hello All,

Quite new here, glad to be here.

I have a T46S that's locked and after going through multiple reads with the Administrator Manual, I've tried all the steps on defaulting the phone back to factory settings but I'm not able to unlock it or reset it completely.

Obviously I'm missing something. So my thoughts are to approach this similarly as if I were reinstalling a macOS or Windows OS...

"Is it possible to just reformat or reimage the phone with a fresh copy of the system software? This I'm thinking should give me a clean slate to start with.

Thanks in advance for any advice regarding this. HuhSad
"tried all the steps" doesn't tell anyone what you actually tried and what the result was. If you want someone to be able to provide you other things to try you'd need to specify in detail what you tried and what the result of each thing was.

Also, please specify the current firmware version of the device.
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