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Full Version: w56h to w60b
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so we have a w60b with four w56h working perfectly but im trying to add another w56h which is connecting to the w60b but there is no default line connection.the new phone just says no outgoing line cheers
(01-12-2022 06:19 PM)bigwig Wrote: [ -> ]so we have a w60b with four w56h working perfectly but im trying to add another w56h which is connecting to the w60b but there is no default line connection.the new phone just says no outgoing line cheers


The number of active handsets is default set to 4 handsets.
It is possible to change this to a maximum of 8 handsets.
Please login to the base using the Web UI.
Features > General Information > Number Of Active Handset
If you change this parameter, the phone will reboot to make the change take effect.

Hope this will help.
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