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Full Version: Recovery Mode On Yealink SIP-T30P
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Please send T30P.bin T30P.rom for recovery after power outage during firmware update.

Direct message or email olegsenin Exclamation
P.S. to contact the service center for a very long time.
(06-18-2021 10:07 PM)olegsenin Wrote: [ -> ]Hello.

Please send T30P.bin T30P.rom for recovery after power outage during firmware update.

Direct message or email olegsenin Exclamation
P.S. to contact the service center for a very long time.
If the phones already had firmware Version 86 perhaps you don't need any files.

See the release notes page 10:
Added the feature of a new recovery mode.
Description: For the phone running a single system, you do not need the extra files like “.bin” or “.rfs” in addition to the firmware. For the phone running dual system, the phone will directly startthe backed up system after entering the recovery mode.
Single system: T41S/T42S/T46S/T48S/T30/T30P/T31G/T31P/T33G/T33P/T27G
Dual system: T53\T53C\T53W\T54W\T57W
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