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Full Version: How to read base data ?
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One customer sent be back a defective W56H handset.
This handset was associated with a W56B.
(The issue was it didn't ring anymore).

When I enter this phone Settings/Registration/Register Handset menu, it display 4 Base 1/Base 2/Base 3/Base 4 entries.
In Base 1 entry, I can currently read something like 02008-1C376h.
What this 02008-1C376h value mean ? Is it supposed to match a MAC address ? An IPEI ? Something else ?

Best regards
(12-19-2018 02:18 PM)oliv Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

One customer sent be back a defective W56H handset.
This handset was associated with a W56B.
(The issue was it didn't ring anymore).

When I enter this phone Settings/Registration/Register Handset menu, it display 4 Base 1/Base 2/Base 3/Base 4 entries.
In Base 1 entry, I can currently read something like 02008-1C376h.
What this 02008-1C376h value mean ? Is it supposed to match a MAC address ? An IPEI ? Something else ?

Best regards


Every DECT handset has its own unique IPUI number. Using this IPUI number, you can assign a SIP account to an DECT handset.

During DECT handset registration, the IPUI number is sent to the DECT base to identify the handset.

Hope this will help.
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