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Full Version: RTCP Collector + Outbound Proxy
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We are testing the new RTCP collector option in v73, and are having a conflict with a previous change made to correct BLF issues when using DNS-SRV.

The DNS-SRV issue with BLF was that it would not fail back to the primary server for the BLF subscription, unless we added in our registration server as the outbound proxy as well.

When using the outbound proxy, the PUBLISH messages sent by the phone are directed at the 'proxy' as well, but we need them to be sent out to a totally separate server. While this does seem like correct behavior, it puts in a position of either choosing between RTCP or BLF, or creating a whole new layer to our infrastructure that actually provides a true proxy service.

Has anyone else worked with the RTCP collector and\or outbound proxies that can provide some input? I will be testing the BLF failback with DNS-SRV on the new v73 firmware to see if the original problem is resolved, and will report back here with results.

HI ,
Yes, when the phone has enabled the Outbound Proxy Server server, all the sip information will default send to the outboud proxy server.
I will send the question to the engineer for check .
Best Regards!
Thank you Flora.

This makes sense - RTCP is a normal SIP Publish packet, so it will follow the rules you set for the proxy.

It just happens to be inconvenient for us at the moment. I'll update once I test the BLF failback on v73.

* Update - It appears that the outbound proxy is still required on v73 for BLF subscriptions to return to the primary server after a failure. Without it, the BLF subscriptions remain on the secondary server while the main registration returns properly.
Thanks for your information, I have checked the engineer.
Yes, when enabled the outbound proxy server , all the information will default send to the outbound proxy server, then the outbound proxy server should foward the sip publish information to the related collector server, sorry , we can't change it , it is the standard.

and for the second question, you used DNS-SRV, the subscribe message for BLF will send to the contact information , so please make sure the host in the contact area is the domain name not the specific IP address .In this case, you don't need use the outbond proxy server feature.
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