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Full Version: Bug? Searching for German Umlaute like ä ö ü
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I confugured remote phonebook so the phone loads phone book entries from server. I can search within the phonebook. But the search is not working with German Umlaute (ä, ü, ö). Anyone else with this problem? File at the server has encoding UTF-8 in header.


Could you please let me know the model and the frimware version of your phone ?

Thank you very much.


Any progress? Anything I can test?


Thank you for your feedback.
Could you give me a phone book, so we can testing and investigating this problem with our R&D ?
And we will let you know the result as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Just for Information, - I observed a similar error on Yealink T38G & T32G phones in conjunction with Caller ID Superfecta lookup module at FreePBX. In my case, all German Umlaut letters displayed at the phones are corrupted.

Firmware versions tested are & and & Probably all previous firmware are also affected.

I don't know exactly, but I think the problem is somewhere in phone firmware. Not in FreePBX or Superfecta lookup Caller ID module.
Dear Lorn,

Thank you for your feedback.
We are looking into it, any update will let you know as soon as possible.

Best regards
Thanks for your fast response!

Well, it seems that I posted the issue at the wrong place, - sorry for that... The following thread seems to be the right one:

As mentioned, I can confirm this German umlaut problem also for the newest firmware of T32G & T32G. So this bug is still present. According to user Starlifter the problem seems to be in the UTF-8 implementation of the T38G & T32G firmware.
To Speedy,

About this search issue, I have replicated it in yealink site and submitted a request to our product department, any update will let you know.

If there is any questions, please feel free to contact us.

To Lorn10,

Please refer the forum 1179:

Best Regards
Thank you - waiting for an update.
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