Hi Fabgoa,
I re-checked, it seems that the word "key" is missed. Please try thsi Action URI:
we have some T28p with the latest firmware release
In the past we dial with the URL "http://192.168.x.x/cgi-bin/ConfigManApp.com?number=123456&outgoing_uri=1" without problems from the pc.
Now i set my client pc ip address into "Features/Remote Control/Action URI allow IP List" and try the new action url "http://192.168.x.x/servlet?p=login&q=login&username=admin&pwd=admin&jumpto=URI&key=number=123456", but nothing happend.
Whats wrong?
I just tested on a T46 v73 and it worked fine.
Is the username and password correct?
PS: No need to x out private IP's. They only exist in your subnet.