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Full Version: BUG?:3CXPhone CTI triggers auto answer on second call when parking 1st
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chrischevy: your question was " but does anyone know how to disable CTI mode for a Yealink phone "
and my answer disables CTI Mode.
You do not have to use the softphone portion of 3cx Phone for Windows. That is your choice.

Sorry if I steered you in the wrong direction or was not clear on your question.

As Craig mentionned, the problem does not occur with firmware (currently the supported version on 3CX) on the T46

With a T48, the problem occurs with firmware (supported by 3CX). I would like to be able to test with an older firmware but I can't find any on Yealink's web page.

My bad, the issue does occur on the T46G with firmware
perhaps try a new v73 beta ?
here is the firmware page:
they may not be 3cx approved - but worth trying.
I will try the latest beta firmware, even if it's not officially supported by 3CX yet.

Update: No luck with the beta firmware
3cx support saying this is by design... (In other words: We don't feel like fixing this.)

So, now their is a feature request in with about 3 votes:
Craig - in reply to your comment -
Quote: 3cx support saying this is by design... (In other words: We don't feel like fixing this.)

We see that you are not reasoning correctly nor fairly here - To appreciate the challenges of this feature, first you have to understand the underlying technology around the features which are used. CTI and Simultaneous calls cannot go hand in hand together. This is why 3CX states that CTI should be used with 1 call only and not with the phone configured to accept multiple simultaneous calls.

Yes this is by design. The correct implementation to support multiple sim calls requires the support of a new communication protocol which is an advanced version of CTI - this is called CSTA. CSTA is a feature which has to be provided by the Phone manufacturer first. Then it can be used as a CTI replacement.

For the others reviewing this post here are my comments.

tsukraw - We are not seeing a big problem here.
You have 2 calls - When One is parked, we auto answer the next one for you. Yes it would be best if you press answer to take the call but we think this is a small side-effect. Remember you are using CTI with multiple sim calls which is NOT SUPPORTED. CTI is not designed to handle Multiple Sim Calls. CSTA is the correct mechanism to do so. For the record, CSTA is something that only Snom currently supports.
This is the same thing as when you have 1 connected call and another call comes in. When you press ON Line 2 on a phone, it automatically puts the first line on hold. The point I want to make is that there is an automatic action that is made when you have simultaneous calls. In this case, the price you have to pay for using CTI with Multiple sim calls is that the second call will be automatically answered.

Quote:How do you/they suggest our Admin does this? She needs CTI and needs to accept multiple calls.

Its ok - she parks a call and automatically answers the next line. She is a secretary. Her job is to answer calls as fast as possible. If this is not OK use the correct feature for this and put a QUEUE or use the 3CXPhone for Windows in SIP Mode and full presence screen open.

Quote:I know that this issue is related to 3CX and not Yealink but does anyone know how to disable CTI mode for a Yealink phone ?

if you disable CTI Mode for yealink phones, you will operate in Make Call Mode which is an old discontinued functionality which causes problems in the reporting because of the way calls are made. So it is not recommended.
In any case - the correct way to disable CTI is the following: (Invalidates 3CX Support)

1) Go to this location
2) Open the file cti_template.xml
find the Yealink Phone section
3) Comment out the phone model you have from the Models section and from the useragent from the Supportedmodels section.
4) Restart the webserver and your phone will not be recognized with CTI and will work in "Make Call Mode".
5) Restart 3CXPhone for Windows again.
NOTE - this action will disable CTI for ALL Models in your network, So if you have 100 T46's, then all 100 of them will work in Make Call Mode.

Conclusion - If you have 2 sim calls and one is parked, the other one is automatically answered. CTI is designed for 1 incoming call only and will not show the second incoming call come in so you still cannot know who the caller on the second line is. In all fairness, not even the hardphone will show the CID information of the second caller because the display is showing the information of call 1 at that time.
Nicky, thanks for your reply. I think I was a little frustrated when writing my post because I was not finding a complete answer / reason for the issue. The truth is, 3cx is far superior to other products I am using and / or tried. Still have not found a good solution for the receptionist to use CTI and allow multiple calls. So, I have turned off CTI on that computer.

I am a little frustrated with the way the ideas forum works on 3cx as many people will not log on because of the logon databases allowed. So, many great ideas do not get votes and not implemented. I have been programming for a long time and I think there are some features which could be implemented with some ease for 3cx and beneficial to the customer.

Thanks for your time.
Nicely said Craig, I would agree that it would be very nice if the ideas forum could support our 3CX logins.
Not to get to far off topic. Thank you Nicky for the explanation it is good to finally hear the exact answer to this "issue" even though it is by design.
Does 3CX plan to support CSTA as soon as it is available or do more vendors have to support it before 3CX would?

And i would throw this one out there for CoCo or whoever at 3CX.... Are you guys working on CSTA mode for your yealink phones? This would be a great addition.

Yes, we do have the plan to add CSTA feature in T4x series firstly. Should be in V81.

James - V81 - Is there a tentative release date?
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