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Full Version: [FAQ]The naming rule of Yealink Firmware and Common.cfg
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1. Naming Rule of Yealink Firmware

[Image: attachment.php?aid=651]

The template of Firmware name of Yealink phone is X1.X2.X3.X4

(1) X1 means the Phone Model

X1- Phone Model

T2 Series
2 - T28P
6 - T26P
7 - T22P
34 - T21P
9 - T20P
31 - T19P

T3 Series
38 -T38G
32 - T32G

T4 Series
35 - T48G
28 - T46G
29 - T42G
36 - T41P

23 - VP530

25 - W52P/W52H (Base)
26 - W52P/W52H (Handset)

(2) X2 means the Major version number

X2-Major version number
61 - V61
70 - V70
71 - V71
72 - V72

(3) X3 means the Custom or Neutral version

0 or 1 means Neutral version
Non 0 or 1 means Custom version

(4) X4 means the Minor version
Yealink will release some minor versions after solving some bugs.

Take some examples for you:

2. 71.0. 140 -It is T28-V71 Neutral version, Minor version is 140. - It is T46G-V71 Custom version, Minor version is 83.
If you find some issues in custom version, please ask your distributor for help.

2. Naming Rule of Common.cfg

You may feel confused about the common.cfg name When you use cfg files to auto provisioning.
Actually you can find the corresponding common name from Hardware version of phone except T3 Series.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=785]

Template of Common.cfg: y0000000000xx.cfg

(1) You must fill Ten Zero after y.
(2) xx means the first number strings of Hardware version

Take some examples for you:

T26G-Hardware is, then the common.cfg file name should be y000000000004.cfg

T46G-Hardware is, then the common.cfg file name should be y000000000028.cfg

T42G-Hardware is, then the common.cfg file name should be y000000000029.cfg.

W52P-Hardware of base is, then the common.cfg name should be y000000000025.cfg.

NOTE: The common.cfg of T38G and T32G is the same as phone model, y000000000038.cfg and y000000000032.cfg

Please be aware:

The purpose of these forums is to allow forum members collaborate and help each other.
Questions posted here won't be appreciated.
If you require assistance from Yealink technical support, please email to or USA support
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