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Full Version: accept calls only from proxy?
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Is there a way to block inbound calls from all IPs except the configured proxy IP? Phones outside a firewall get spam calls.
Hi jdackert,

If you are using our latest T2X V70 firmware, please use below auto provisioning parameter to enable this feature.
account.1.sip_trust_ctrl = 1
#Enable or disable the phone to dial the IP address directly; 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
features.direct_ip_call_enable = 0

If you are using V61 or V60 firmware, please use this parameter:
[ account ]
path = /config/voip/sipAccount0.cfg
SIPTrustCtrl = 1

Sorry, I may not have been very clear in my request. Customers are getting dead-air calls from some SIP dialer on the internet.
I want the Yealink (T28 in this case) to not accept calls that don't come from our proxy. Your parameter seems to control outbound dialing.

Yes. I think you can test this syntax which can just accept the sip message from your sip server.
That seems to have worked. Thank you for your help!
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