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Full Version: Import of local config files hat no effect
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I have experienced the following behaviours with several T46G V28.73.0.48 models:
  • I export a local config file (CFG File, I chose Local in the dropdown) via the phones web interfacce
  • I edit the file
  • I import the file (same filename as before)
  • I ok the prompt that the phone should import the new file
  • the phone is busy and rebooting
  • none of the changes I made take effect (I reexport the local config file and it hasn't changed

To me it looks like the import feature is not working for CFG files I haven't checked the other option yet.

Any ideas? Anybody successfully used this feature?

best regards Frank

This should work.
Can you try resetting Local Config under Setting-> Upgrade and import it again?

Hi James,

I got some more detailed results:
Resetting the Local Config and importing a new file works.

Exporting a local config file, changing a value (like changing
account.1.ringtone.ring_type = Resource:Ring2.wav to
account.1.ringtone.ring_type = Resource:Ring3.wav)
and importing this, works fine, too

but exporting, deleting an entry and than importing the file, doesn't work.

like deleting
"lang.wui = English"


"linekey.5.type = 50
linekey.5.line = 0
linekey.5.value = %NULL%
linekey.5.label = %NULL%
linekey.5.xml_phonebook = %NULL%
linekey.5.pickup_value = %NULL%"

Adding parameters to an existing config file (like voice.headset_send = 10) doesn't work either.

and all the things that doesn't work, don't show any error message, it shows that the file has been imported

We have lots of settings in 200 hundred phones local files, all different. There is one line I want to delete by editing the synced local files on the server. It looks like that this can't be done, but I have to manually delete all local config files first.

Do you want any phone logs or the provisioning files or should I take srceencasts?

The very same files I import work fine after I reset the local fine, but don't work if I just import them without resetting first. Maybe you can fix the thing, but just always resetting the local file when a new local file is imported. I would expect the same results: Replace the old local file with the new one, so the old one should be deleted. Or how is this intended to work?

Best regards Frank
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